
Sunday 24 March 2013

Letter to a Dear Friend (L Kharma Wphlang)

Letter to dear friend is a heart touching poem where poet nostalgically portrays the doleful recklessness done to the native land by the people ‘off ‘/‘of’ the land .The poet has used irony and vivid imagery throughout to describe the nature‘s blemishes and the innocent people’s tribute/gratitude to/for the native land.  The poet inevitably touches upon postcolonial/neo-colonial issues towards its conclusion and portrays a society devoid of sensitivity and humanity.

Dear friend, your letter lies on
My table, and now this reply, this
Calling to mind, your softness for
This land
The poet is replying to the last letter written by his friend who asked about his people, his land.

Here, I am well, I am older,
Sadder, perhaps, at the seasons longing
Us another day. Our limbs and
Songs are getting weary all the time
In response, The poet tells he is getting older with shades of days and night and passing of springs and autumns, in the succeeding lines the poet has used personification to mark the idea that with passage of time our songs, our ancientness, our culture are getting as drowsy and old as the limbs of an old man which are in lurch of rest every time. For this he thanks to the westernisation followed by ‘our’ people.

But I am grateful for strong mercies
A stark sarcasm for the following lines
You ask about our hills- well,
They are still there, - the stones
And rivers too—they are being
Pimped for tourists and lately,
In many places disembowelled
Mercilessly. Their clothes are carried
Away to the lowlands and
Their names are sometimes being
In this section the poet talks about the nature and the surroundings, how they hereby mountains, hills, have been eviscerated and how mankind have intermitted with the natural courses of rivers just to welcome overseas people and keep them happy. Foreign people are not behind in the race of devastation they are the one who have mercilessly removed the clothes of nature and welcomed the aura exhaustive industrialisation.

Tell me good friend, is it
Possible to change the nature
Of a mountain spirit
Or the course of a river?
The Poet has a doubt and the mystified meaning says it is possible to alter with the outer appearance but the essence and the bliss that we get from the place is hard to change.

About my people, nothing much has
Changed. Fools parading as leaders
Distribute words to the hungry and
The rich have started importing
Dreams from the west
The poet tries to stigmatise the post and pre-colonial ruling of so called white collared officials and bureaucrats who in name of democracy are ruling since independence but their methods of ruling has been same even after 65 years of independence. They have been tagged as’ imprudent’/ ‘profligate’ who just have job of money minting and are playing a chase game. The rich and the elite class are aping westernisation and are trying to bring revolution and reincarnate the whole land

They are peculiar breed, the leaders
They have an eel for tongue
A mint for brain
Peculiar means a clumsy / weird people. ‘eel for tongue’ poet tries to bring the tool of anthropomorphism whereby animating men’s tongue with eel which is a fish with elongated tongue  who feeds on preys called predators similarly these leaders they are good in manipulating things by window dressing and alluring people to get into their rattrap with the power of word. Mint of brain signifies as mint is strong in nature so are the clever brains of such ‘peculiar’ cluster.

Since you asked, I mention these
Things. When you write next,
I may have interesting things to
Report – may be about advent
Of acid rain or even the disappearance of
Some villages for mining a rare mineral.
Please keep in touch, you shall hear
From me, this record of bitter things.
Closing the chapter of doleful verses the poet puts sarcasm and casts the reality that future is going to be a much sadder tale with the invention of life killing activities and invasion of human brains to incept new inventions.

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